Rua Fay
Creator, Writer, Editor In Chief
Hello! My name is Rua Fay, I am from Boston, Massachusetts and I am a huge cinephile. This is my website where I talk about everything concerning my favorite art form: film! Growing up I was not surrounded by a lot of people with similar interests so I figured I would make this website to write about what I love and hopefully connect to others who share the same love for cinema as me! Here I post reviews, analysis essays on my favorite movies and probably a lot more things as this site continues to grow. I completed Boston University's Summer Theater Institute in 2021 and I currently study film at Ithaca College, where I serve as a Life and Culture writer for The Ithacan newspaper and as President of the Ithaca College Film Society. I was also recently accepted to intern at the American Pavillion at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival. I'm on track to graduate in 2026. My favorite directors of all time are Stanley Kubrick, Charlie Chaplin, and John Waters. If you've stumbled upon this site, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by my website and I hope you find something you like!
Favorite Movies:
A Clockwork Orange dir. Stanley Kubrick
Harold and Maude dir. Hal Ashby
The Great Dictator dir. Charlie Chaplin
Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb dir. Stanley Kubrick

Eric Hardman
Hi, my name is Eric Hardman, and I am a filmmaker, critic, and historian currently based in Los Angeles. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, I've learned everything in my life through various forms of cinema. I've been writing, talking about, and creating it for as long as I can remember. I'm apart of the Arizona State University class of 2025 with a BFA in Film and Media Production in addition to being a Submissions and Development Intern at the International Screenwriters Association. When I'm not writing, you can probably find me yapping about film on Youtube. My dream is to be able to use my voice and reach as many people as possible through art to ignite broader creative horizons in us all. Thank you all for being apart of my journey. Long live cinema!
Favorite Movies:
Mulholland Drive dir. David Lynch
E.T. the Extra Terrestrial dir. Steven Spielberg
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri dir. Martin McDonagh
La La Land dir. Damien Chazelle

Cade Earick
Hello! My name is Cade Earick and i'm an avid film and music lover from Rumney, NH. When not listening to or writing music, I often spend time analyzing and enjoying cinema, as well as producing films and documentaries. I also enjoy acting, playing roles such as Lefou in Beauty and The Beast and Elwood P. Dowd in Harvey. I thoroughly enjoys arthouse films, oscar-bait, b-rated action flicks, and Wes Anderson. I'm so excited to write for all y'all, and share my love of film and film music with all of you!
Favorite Movies:
Rushmore dir. Wes Anderson
Birdman dir. Alejandro G. Iñárritu
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World dir. Edgar Wright
Once dir. John Carney

Zach Zanatta
Hi! My name is Zach Zanatta and I’m a University student from Toronto. I’ve been watching movies basically my whole life and it doesn’t look like I’ll be stopping anytime soon. I started my cinematic journey with animation and horror, and those two genres haven’t stopped being my favourites since. I’m a big fan of Italian Neorealism, classic slashers, and silent comedies, but I’m always willing to branch out and try something new. Some of my favourite directors are Charlie Chaplin, Federico Fellini, Dario Argento, Ingmar Bergman and Paul Thomas Anderson. Besides movies, I’m into art and music, basically anything that isn’t sports. I have a ton of things I want to say about movies, some good, some bad, most likely all unprofessional, so check my stuff out here if you’d like.
Favorite Movies:
Inside Llewyn Davis dir. Joel & Ethan Coen
12 Angry Men dir. Sidney Lumet
Yi Yi dir. Edward Yang
WALL-E dir. Andrew Stanton

Danny Jarabek
Hi! My name is Danny and I am a recent graduate from Clemson University majoring in architecture with a minor in film studies, currently studying at t he University of Pennsylvania. I love studying art in all forms which has led to pursuing research, critical writing, and production opportunities in film. I have made a few short films with a club I helped found at Clemson and look forward to producing more screenplays in the future. Can't wait for you to check out some of my work!
Favorite Movies:
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind dir. Michel Gondry
Her dir. Spike Jonze
The Last Black Man In San Francisco dir. Joe Talbot
Portrait of a Lady on Fire dir. Céline Sciamma
Matt Minton
Matt Minton is about to enter their second year studying film and television at Ithaca College. They have a strong passion for writing film reviews along with more analytical pieces that examine deeper themes in the content they watch. They love going to the theater to watch new movies and will watch any genre, but particularly horror, romance, crime and dramas.
Favorite Movies:
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind dir. Michel Gondry
La La Land dir. Damien Chazelle
Sunset Boulevard dir. Billy Wilder
Magnolia dir. Paul Thomas Anderson

Abrienne Smith
My name is Abrean Smith and I’m from New Jersey! I’ve been an avid film watcher all my life and I’m on track to graduate from Ithaca College in 2026 with a bachelors in screenwriting! I’m very passionate about diversity in the film industry and I’m hoping I’ll be able to direct film that highlight marginalized communities in the future. Besides film, I’m also into music and appreciate and good score when analyzing a film!
Favorite Movies:
Shutter Island dir. Martin Scorsese
Rear Window dir. Alfred Hitchcock
Rocky dir. John G. Avildsen
L.A. Confidential dir. Curtis Hanson